
Wondering whether Crystal or Diamond is the appropriate offering? A table comparison of features/benefits is below.
If that’s not detailed enough or you’re more curious about the benefits, please read our written version with more context.

Tiers of GEM

Peer Circles
Radars 4x a month 4x a month
Transmissions 2x a month 4x a month
Earnings Reports 1x a quarter 1x a quarter
Membership Criteria None Founders or Executives
Discounts for Industry Events
Private Community Forum
Online Networking Events (peer practice pitches, fundraising office hours, etc.)
In-person Networking Events (dinners, happy hours, lunches, baseball games, ets.)
Proptech Roulette (member introductions)
Biz Intel (sector analysis and product reviews)
Membership Cap 1500 max
Pricing $10/month or $99/year $179/quarter or $497/year